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媽媽唔舒服(Mama didn't feel well)


Woke up around 9am this morning, sigh, it’s all because Chunchun wanted to watch a cartoon that only show on Saturday and Sunday morning. Let him watched one cartoon and then let him played by himself… because I was having a belly ache kept running to the bathroom few time this morning>_< Papa back home around 1pm and I finally stop running to the bathroom… and then we decided to go to the shopping are to have lunch and walk around.
Hum, family day should be very happy, but recently I was kind of emotional>_< Once Chunchun being naughty or not listen tome… I get mad easy… and maybe I didn’t felt very well today, I just felt tired walking around with Chunchun… I really want to shop around, but not with Chunchun. I felt tired being with Chunchun~_~ Finally we didn’t stay long in the shopping area, we just went to McDonald’s to have lunch, and hen went to a book store to read for a while, and then back home around 3pm.