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下學期開始囉(Second school term started)


Second school term started today, I was hoping that Chunchun will be a good boy again, however… sigh, I was so disappointed~_~
Leave home early this morning with Papa, Papa need to go to the food market while Chunchun and I went to library^^ Arrived to the library around 8.15am, happy Chunchun gave a big hug to the pig cushion and told me that he miss little pig a lot^^ Stayed in library around 30 minutes and then we borrow a book that about crabs… Took Chunchun to classroom and then went to McDonald’s to have breakfast with Papa^O^
When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, sigh, he got some complain again… I wonder why Chunchun being so naughty since he turned to be 4 years old>_< Didn’t willing to do homework at home, yelling in canteen, climbing window, talking with classmates… And when we back home to prepare to do homework, I found that he leaves his homework at school, we have to back to school again to pick up his homework. Sigh, many little things that made me mad… I was planning that Chunchun was in new term, shouldn’t have a lot of stuff have to study, so that he may finish his homework and study early; then we can watch a cartoon together and go to the park for a while… but now, we were just staying at home doing homework and studying>_<