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眼瞓日(Sleepy Day)


Grandma leave around in early morning, and Chunchun woke up around 7am. I heard his noise so that I asked him to come to my room to sleep again. Haha, he was so cutie that carrying his pink bear to my room… looks very baby. He asked me where is Grandma, and after I told him that Grandma back to Hong Kong already, he climb onto my bed and sleep next to me^^ Woke Chunchun up again around 8am, because he have to get ready for school.
After having breakfast with Papa, I went to bed again to have a nap. Sigh, usually I went to bed again around 11am and wake up around noontime to prepare for lunch. However, I was so tired today, I went to bed again a little bit early around 10.30am and didn’t woke up until Papa called me on 12.30pm=_=; Wonder why I was so sleepy today, lovely Papa told me that not to cook this afternoon, just simply made some noodles and he will buy something else back home for lunch.
Picked up Chunchun on 3.30pm, and then back home to do homework together. Since the day before yesterday Chunchun was being a good boy, doing homework by himself. Today I let him to do homework by himself in the living room again, and I stay in my room, he was doing not bad for his English writing; spent around 20 minutes on it and every writing were neat… I didn’t have to erase them. But then his Chinese writing, well, he did write it all by himself within 20 minutes… however, his writing were all wrong=_=; I wonder why, I been writing it with him 2 times but why he still wrote it wrong? Finally I have to erased it all and watching him to rewrite it…