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成綪表(Exam Report)

今日早上11點左右我就同爸爸一齊帶駿駿返幼稚園拎成績表囉.我都估到駿駿今個學期唔會太好架啦,因為佢之前測驗都唔係咁好.結果呢,佢上學期既成績係中文-A;英文-A;識數-B; 常識-B;唱遊-B;美術-A;體育-B;故事-A同操行-B.唔,其實都唔係真係太差既,起碼冇C先丫…但係幼稚園操行都拎唔到A,就係一個問題啦.希望駿駿下學期成績會好D,同操行要拎番A啦.

Went to kindergarten with Papa and Chunchun this morning around 11am to receive Chunchun’s Exam Report. I knew that Chunchun wasn’t doing good this school term, because his texts result wasn’t good at all. Finally his result for first term were: Chinese – A; English – A; Mathematical Concept – B; Social Studies – B; Singing – B; Art & Craft – A; Physical Education – B; Stories – A and Conduct – B. Hum, actually his report was still acceptable, but still hoping that Chunchun can do better in the second school term. Sigh, Conduct was the most important part I think… B was a bad mark for kindergarten student.
Went to the park to let Chunchun play for a while before we back home for lunch. Oh, my god, I got a toothache since yesterday night, and today, I found my tooth was broken>_< I have to hurry to find a Dentist, luckily I got a appointment on 5.30pm this evening. Prepare to the Dentist around 4pm something, and arrived to the clinic around 5pm something. I want to pull out my tooth as soon as I can, but the Dentist said since my teeth was sidelong, he couldn’t pull out my tooth for me and suggest me to go to the hospital is the best; but if I didn’t want to go to hospital, then he can refer me to other Dentist who can do.
