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School started today, hum, teacher said Chunchun was a good helper this morning, helping teacher carry books and stuff, and being a good boy today^^ However when we back home to do homework this afternoon… Papa and I have to kept yelling at him=_= He didn’t concentrate on his writing, whenever Papa and I didn’t kept an eyes on him, he started playing pencil, books and whatever he could touch it…
Before holiday, Chunchun usually spent around 45 minutes on writing, and 20 minutes on studying; and I didn’t have to kept an eyes on him while he doing his homework. But today, he spent 2 hours on doing homework=_=; by the time when he finished his homework, it’s time for me to cook… I did have enough time to study with him; and Papa only willing to study Chinese with him>_<
Luckily Grandma arrived a little bit earlier today, so I let her study with Chunchun while I cook. Sigh, I was so tired today, hope that Chunchun will do better tomorrow, I knew that sometime holiday made kids lazy=_=
Grandma brought a lot of stuff for us today, Chunchun’s toy; my skin care stuff; candy; and the black monster bear. Chunchun was so cutie when he took out the black monster bear… he said “Carry it to pink monster bear, then the pink one will be jealous” Haha, because last Saturday when we back to Macau, he wanted to take black monster bear with him, but I told him that pink monster bear will be jealous if you take black monster bear home…
