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Grandma came to Macau yesterday night, and today, Chunchun started to be lazy again>_< Sigh, how many time I have to tell Grandma… stop helping Chunchun to get change=_=;
Chunchun been asking me to take him to the library since last week, and we been walking to the library everyday after school; however, it’s not open yet~_~ wonder what happened to the volunteer Mama. Poor Chunchun being disappointed this few day but he was just a good boy that kept looking forward for tomorrow…haha I told him that it’s ok, we will go to the library on Friday anyway, because Friday morning is my turn to be librarian.
Grandma bought some banana cake for Chunchun this afternoon, happy Chunchun ate it all himself=_=; Grandma look after Chunchun for homework and study this afternoon, hum, silly Chunchun forgot his Books at school… I wanted to go back to school to pick it up, however, it’s already 5pm something… it’s too late>_<