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英文同識數測驗(Test - Engish & Math)


English and Math test today, I hope that he will be fine on Math, but I bet he won’t, because he still couldn’t remember all this morning, when Papa reviewed with him. Went to library a little bit late this morning>_< when we arrived to the library it’s already 8.30am… we didn’t have much time to read. So I just asked Chunchun to choose a book that he wants to borrow, and read it with him before school time.
No homework again, so I let him play some IQ game and then study with him this afternoon. Hum, he wasn’t naughty today, but wasn’t a good boy either; he kept telling me he was tired while we were studying, however when we finished study and I asked him to take a nap before dinner, he said “I didn’t tried now, I want to play!” Sigh~