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澳門媽咪會三月聚會(Macau Mama Gathering - Mar)


Happy, busy day for Chunchun, we first went to drawing class in the morning, and then have lunch with Grandpa, picnic in the afternoon, and then have dinner with Grandpa. I was super tired today, hope that I could upload all the photo soon for Macau Mama Club members>_<
Chunchun draw 2 little pigs in his drawing class, one lazy pig and one smart pig… cutie Chunchun kept telling me he was the smart pig XD Hum, his drawing is getting better and better now, he can draw most of the simply drawing by himself, like fishes for last week and pigs for this week..
Back home around 11.30am and then have to prepare to have lunch with Grandpa… hum Chunchun was being a very good boy this lunch time. May be because his little brother didn’t came for lunch today, no one to play with him, then he just sit well and ate well today.
Nap immediately after lunch with Grandpa, haha, I guess Chunchun was very tired too, because he woke up around 7am this morning, he fall in sleep soon after he went to bed. Woke up around 3.30pm to prepare to go picnic with Macau Mama Club members. Haha, remember last picnic were went to the grass slide park, but today, we just went to the park that near our home. Chunchun was quite disappointed at first, but when all of his friends arrived, he was happy^^ Our gathering started at 4pm and we played until 5pm something, then we started to have our tea. Hum, I baked cookie, Jessica baked cake, Kammi fried pork, Toby made syrup, Angela made sandwich, Gina bought drink, and Melina bought cake; many delicious foods^O^
Gathering finished around 6pm, and since we all took so many photos today, I asked Gina and Melina came over to my home, just to let me copy the photo they took so that I could upload it to all members as soon as I can. And then we have to hurry to have dinner with Grandpa again. I was so tired after the gathering, I thought Chunchun was tired too and he should be a good boy again during dinner time. However, his little brother were having dinner with us too, Chunchun just couldn’t stop himself and kept asking his little brother to play with him=_=; Sigh, he just out of control during dinner time.


