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玩具反斗城(Toys "r" Us)


Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and then we went to Toys ‘r’ Us together; because Grandma said she wanted to buy Chunchun a Children’s Day gift and Easter gift. We spent over half hour in the Toys ‘r’ Us, however, we just couldn’t find anything nice for Chunchun~_~ and they even didn’t put on any Easter sales yet… Wonder why it’s so different between Toys ‘r’ Us in Hong Kong and Macau, Toys ‘r’ Us in Macau seem to be have nothing
We back home around 4.45pm with nothing, and asked Chunchun hurry to do his homework and study. Grandma promised him to buy him gift in Hong Kong and will take it to him next week. Sigh, Grandma is just spoiled Chunchun too much.