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Papa and I been planned to go to the beach for a long time, however, it’s clouded and windy today~_~ Papa decided not to go to the beach this afternoon. But I still cook a little bit early for lunch, because I still wanted to go to somewhere else if it’s not raining.
Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun around 11am, happy Chunchun made a pancake today… it’s a tuna and coins salad pancake. It’s look nice too, however I didn’t like tuna at all and Chunchun and Papa either…finally we just ate the pancake and leave the tuna and coins salad to the rubbish bin, what a waste=_=;
Lunch around noon time, and let Chunchun to nap around 1pm something. Chunchun woke up around 4pm and the weather wasn’t too bad, at least no raining. I asked Papa to go to the park with us, and I wanted to go to a supermarket that have mini shopping cart for kids ^O^ We arrived to the park around 5pm, and let Chunchun played the motorcycle and playing around in the playground for an hour, and then we went to the supermarket for a walk.
Haha, Chunchun was super happy in the supermarket, that mini shopping cart made him feeling he’s growing up. I saw him put a snack into the cart without asking me, he usually will ask me before he takes anything out of the shelf. He must feeling he was shopping by himself XD Since Chunchun look happy, I gave him a 100 dollars when we finished and asked him to go to cashier to pay for it. Haha, we were just buying 2 bags of apple chips, a bag of cheese biscuit, a box of chocolate biscuit and a small box of strawberry, it’s not much stuff there, so after Chunchun pay for it, he carry it himself and wait for the change in front of the cashier…haha he’s just super cutie.


