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媽媽又燒到40度(Mama : Fever 40.6)


I thought I was recovering from the sickness, because my fever was going down to 37.X℃. So I took Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, and I was planning to do a laundry too. However, my fever was coming back again before noontime, by the time I went to the doctor (clinic open on 2pm), I was already 40.X℃ again~_~ So Papa have to go to pick up Chunchun alone this afternoon, sigh, I have to worry again…
Lucky Grandma came to Macau tonight, she can help me to taking care Chunchun tonight and tomorrow. At least I didn’t have to too worry about Chunchun and yelling Papa to help Chunchun doing anything… finally can really rest for a day, ah, and someone who can really cook for me.
Hum, maybe because of the injection, my fever was keep going down this time… hope it will not going up again tomorrow.