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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

中午既時候,我地就去左新八佰伴度食野同玩啦,因為上星期我地去到八佰伴既時候爺爺先打比我地叫我地飲茶,搞到駿駿冇得好好地咁玩=_=; 而今日呢,我地就去左安琪拉果度食三文治啦,駿駿自己渣主意要火腿芝士三文治,而爸爸就要燒豬肉飯…我呢?就係同佢地2份食囉,因為咁大份三文治駿駿實食唔晒架啦,飯爸爸又食唔晒…本來我想食完之後叫番個靚靚雪糕杯食下,點知駿駿一食完就趕住去玩,結果我唔記得叫雪糕食呢>_<

Went to New Yaohan this noontime to have lunch and play around, since last week when we go there, Grandpa called us to have lunch with him=_= Hum, we went to Angela to have lunch first, Chunchun ordered a cheese and ham sandwich, and Papa ordered a pork rice. And me? I shared sandwich and rice with Papa, at first I wanted to order an ice cream after lunch… however; I forgot it since Chunchun was hurry to go playing in the amusement.
After playing in the amusement, we went to the toy’s section to walk around, Papa said Chunchun could buy a toy today, because he almost got 20 tickets^O^ However, poor Chunchun couldn’t found the train robot that he wanted for a long time, too bad, Chunchun miss the chance to buy new toy… haha. And then we went to the supermarket to walk around, happy Chunchun found a new set of Mini Thomas there… so that papa bought that for him. Sigh, I guess Papa just want to buy something for Chunchun today. Anyway, Chunchun used his 20 tickets now, if he want any new toys, he have to collect ticket again^^