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今日下午同婆婆一齊去接駿駿放學,返到屋企就準備同佢做功課溫習啦.見佢學校d功課都做好左,重寫得幾好,咁我就比本薄佢叫佢自己寫番幾個今個學校教過既中文字啦…因為就黎考試,近日我都有係佢做完功課後比幾個字佢寫等佢重溫一下果d字.咁一開始佢都有寫冇乜問題.但係冇幾耐,我就聽到駿駿大叫,係度鬧婆婆喎=_=; 話”唔得丫,唔比…我唔要婆婆~你走!”嘩…勁冇禮貌…我一聽到就即時出去同佢訓話啦.原來係駿駿寫錯字,婆婆想幫佢擦左佢寫過,駿駿就發脾氣啦…唉~駿駿從來都唔會對我同爸爸咁冇禮貌的..睇黎都係婆婆太寵佢…所以佢就蝦婆婆囉.

Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and then back home to study with Chunchun. Since Chunchun finished his homework at school, so I gave home some writing at home, to review part of the words he learn this school term. Chunchun was fine in the beginning; however, I didn’t know what happened… I heard Chunchun yelled at Grandma “No, I don’t want you! You leave!” Sigh, how impolite=_=; And then I found that Chunchun had wrote some words wrong so Grandma wanted to erase it, then Chunchun started his bad temper! Chunchun never been that impolite to Papa or me, I guess Grandma just spoiled Chunchun too much…