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常識考試(Common Sense Exam)


Yeah~ last day of examination week, so happy I didn’t have to study and study with Chunchun for a while^O^ Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa, and then we when to the shopping area to have lunch and walk around.
Hum, we been a long time didn’t have KFC, around half year I think. After lunch, we started to walk around in the shopping area. Sigh, I want to buy a short and some more clothes, however, we just walked for around half hour, then Papa said he was having belly ache and wanted to go home immediately>_< Buy nothing again… ah, Chunchun and I bought some VCD and Papa bought a comic… well, we do buy something, but not what I really want~_~ Back home to nap with Chunchun and then prepare dinner and waiting for Grandma arrive.