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台灣之旅第三日(Day 3 : Taiwan Trip)

6.30am 起身
7.30am 酒店早餐
9.45am 去到孔雀園
10.30am 日月潭文武廟觀光
11.30am 午餐(山地風味餐)
12.30pm 九族文化機動樂園
6.00pm 晚飯(正宗湘菜)
8.00pm 返到酒店
8.20pm 自由活動去左德安購物中心

大約12點半左右就去到九族文化機動樂園囉,我地有5小時係入面玩呢.第一時間我地就搭纜車去上山,去睇民族表演,之後再坐巴士落山睇下風景同去遊樂場玩.重坐左2種唔同既觀光火車睇風景添.最後4點半左右係大門附近睇表演…駿駿重比d原住民捉左出去一齊跳舞添丫...雖然我地唔係好跟到人地跳舞,但係駿駿都玩得好開心呢^^ 食完晚飯返到酒店之後,我地就自己去左酒店附近既大商場行街街啦.

6.30am Woke up
7.30am Breakfast in Hotel
9.45am Arrived Peacock Garden
10.30am Wen Wu Temple Sun Moon Lake Npo Group
11.30am Lunch
12.30pm Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village
6.00pm Dinner
8.00pm Back to Hotel
8.20pm Free Walk to TaiChung Central

It’s a fun day today, because we went to Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village this afternoon and free walk to TaiChung Central at night. Hum, have breakfast in the hotel restaurant around 7.30am, sigh, it’s so awful, food there were no taste=_=; again Chunchun and I only ate some toast for breakfast.
Went to Peacock Garden in the morning, it’s so nice that when we arrived there 19 of peacock were spreading its tail out of 23 of them. Chunchun was so exciting when the peacock fight(?) Stayed for around half hour and then we went to Wen wu Temple Sun Moon Lake Npo Group and have lunch in the restaurant near the Temple. We bought some wild boar jerk there, it taste not bad, Grandma and Papa bought 6 bags of it, and we finished one while we on the way to Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village, haha.
Arrived Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village around 12.30pm and we have around 5 hours to stay there. We first take cable car up to mountain and then went to watch a culture show there. Took bus back to the amusement arcade playing there with Chunchun and took some tourist train to sightseeing around the Village. Not bad there^^ Back to Hotel after dinner, and then we free walk to the Taichung Central that near our hotal.


