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兒童音樂劇 (Children Musical)

我地今日冇乜野做丫,只係下午既時候去睇左兒童音樂劇 – 森林之王咋.唔,都幾好睇,駿駿同爸爸同我都睇得幾開心…因為依套劇都有幾多笑位,全場都好多人笑,尤其係小朋友就睇得更投入.

We didn’t have much to do today, just go to watch a children musical in the afternoon. Hum, the musical was nice, Chunchun, Papa and I both feel interest about it, and some scene was quite funny.
Musical ended around 5.45pm, since there have free gift to give out, if we finish the questionnaire; so I let Papa to finish the questionnaire and walk around with Chunchun. Hum, we saw performer – flower man in the hall; so I asked Chunchun to take photo with him. Too bad that they didn’t let me to take photo, and said that they have to interview somebody and asked us to be interviewed. Sigh, I wish that Papa was with us, so that he could take photo for us while we doing the interview>_< Sigh, I was quite unhappy about it, and Chunchun too…because he kept walking around the flower man, and by the time flower man have to back to backstage… Chunchun looks so poor and asked me why flower man didn’t take photo with him=_=;
