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計劃去長隆玩(Planning to go to Panyu - Chime Long)


Hum, planned to go to Chime Long around the beginning of August a long time ago, however, since we didn’t sure when Chunchun starts his swimming class, we have to wait until the swimming centre reply us. Finally, we sure that Chunchun will starts his swimming class on Aug 8. And now, we have to hurry to seek for package to Chime Long.
My ideal days are Aug 1 and 2, haha same as last year… but Grandma and my relative only can day off before August 1 so…we have to planned our schedule again. My Auntie called me this afternoon to take about our Chime Long trip. We decided to go to Chime Long on July 29 and 30, and my Auntie will go to travel agency to seek for Chime Long package on Saturday… hum, hope that she can find it.