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駿駿好曳丫(Naughty Chunchun)

唔,今日下午同爸爸一齊去買麥記做午餐呢.今日我地終於都用左Hello Kitty美食劵去買野啦>_<其實我唔係好想用架,因為d Hello Kitty劵真係好靚好可愛,重張張都唔同公仔添.不過一張美食劵係10蚊,有12張即係120蚊,又冇理由同錢作對架=_=所以最後都係用左佢算囉(不過用之前我同佢地影晒相呢^^)

Hum, bought McDonald’s for lunch today with Papa, we finally used the Hello Kitty McDonald’s coupon today>_< I didn’t want to use it because those coupon were super cutie, however, 10 dollars each and we got 12 coupon, 120 dollars…it’s no reason for me to not using it=_=;
Went to pick up Chunchun after we bought McDonald’s, back home to ask Chunchun do his homework while Papa and I having lunch. Sigh, Chunchun was being naughty again, didn’t concentrate on his homework at all~_~ a few words spent almost an hour to do it… he seems like wanted to get punish>_<
Grandma came to Macau tonight, haha, at first she didn’t want to come because Chunchun and I will go to Hong Kong and stay for a month there. But I asked she to come, I need she to help to take my suitcase to Hong Kong first, it’s too trouble for me to take my suitcase and look after Chunchun on the way to Hong Kong, especially we have to go up and down stairs in MTR.