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番禺長隆之旅第一日(Panyu - Chime Long Day One)

6.00am 起身
7.50am 上船去蓮花巷
9.50am 去到蓮花巷
10.00am 上車去酒店
10.30am 去到長隆酒店Check In
12.00pm 搭車去長隆水上樂園
8.00pm 搭車返酒店
10.00pm 食宵夜自助餐
12.00am 訓覺


6.00am Woke Up
7.50am A boarded ferry to Lotus Harbor
9.50am Arrived to Lotus Harbor
10.00am Got on the Shuttle bus to Chime Long Hotel
10.30am Arrived to Chime Long Hotel and check-in
12.00pm Bus to Chime Long Water Park
8.00pm Bus to Chime Long Hotel
10.00pm Night Snack Buffet
12.00am Sleep

Woke up early around 6am to prepare to go to Chime Long for 2 days 1 night trip. Hum, we been in Chime Long once last year, so this year we only planned to go to Chime Long Water Park and Chime Long Paradise. And surely our trip is for Chunchun^^
We arrived to the ferry terminal around 7.30am and hurry to aboard. Arrived to Lotus Harbor around 9.50am, and then we got on the shuttle bus around 10am. Not bad, arrived to Chime Long Hotel before 11am, we checked in and changed swimsuit before noontime, and arrived to Chime Long Water Park around noontime.
Since we didn’t plan to rent a locker and get change in Water Park, we just walk in to seek for restaurant for lunch. We spent around half hour to wait for a table and sigh, foods in the Water Park were…yucky~ We went to seek for chair near the Super Wave Pool, because we need to find somewhere to place our clothes and let one to sit there to look after our clothes and money. While Grandma and my auntie seeking for chair, Chunchun, my relative and I went to the Super Wave Pool to play for a while first. I think Grandma and my Auntie waited for around half hour, they finally got a chair, so that Grandma could play with us… and my Auntie she rather to sit under the big umbrella to look after our clothes since it’s too sunny. Chunchun only can play in Super Wave Pool, Baby Pool and Hawaii Pool, because he was too young to play any other games there.
Hum, Chunchun took his nap around 5pm something, so finally my relative and I got a chance to play some exciting game. We chose to play the Tornado, and sigh we were queued for over one hour just to play around 30 seconds… After playing Tornado, we were too tired to queue up for another game=_=
Chunchun, Grandma, my Auntie and relative were to Hawaii Pool to play for a while before we back to hotel around 8pm something. Back to hotel to take shower and then went to the restaurant to have night snack buffet around 10pm


