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去街食晚飯丫(Dinner Out)

到6點左右我地就準備出門口啦,因為約左婆婆同姑婆6點半左右係地鐵站等丫.今日我地就姑婆去左九龍灣行街呢,因為果度又多野食,又有冒險樂園玩.去到德褔之後,駿駿就揀左去Bistro Delifrance度食野啦,咁也見佢d廣告都好似幾好咁,咪入去食囉..點知我地好失望丫…d野一定都唔好食,餐具又唔乾淨喎…咁大間商場咁大間餐廳咁既水準…摺得啦..我之前係又一城都旺角食過都唔係咁既…點都好啦,下次唔會再去
食完晚飯就行下街先啦,本來我想係果度買番件長袖恤衫比駿駿當外套著架,點知行下行下,發現以前好多小朋友衫鋪都唔見晒=_=睇怕佢地都係搬晒去新果個大商場Mega Box啦.冇衫鋪囉,咪唔行街囉…直接同駿駿去冒險樂園度玩..玩過d乜,真係唔係好記得..只係記得話咁快就洗左百幾蚊….不過唔止駿駿玩得開心架,連婆婆同姑婆都玩得好開心呢…

Dinner out tonight with Grandma and my Auntie, because great Grandparents have to go visit their relative. Hum, nothing much to do this afternoon, Chunchun and I just stay home to watch TV and do some homework together.
Prepared to go out around 6pm, and meet Grandma and my Auntie at MTR Station. Went to Kowloon Bay tonight to have dinner and play in the Jumpin Gym U.S.A. for a while. Went to have lunch in Bistro Delifrance for dinner tonight, sigh, foods there were not good, we were cheated by it’s commercial=_= I guess I will not go there again…
Walking around the mall after dinner, at first I wanted to buy some clothes for Chunchun, however, I found that most of the baby clothes store were disappeared, I guess they must all moved to the big new mall – Mega Box=_= Too bad I couldn’t buy anything clothes for Chunchun tonight, but he was so happy playing in Jumpin Gym U.S.A, haha, and Grandma and my Auntie were so happy too^^