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今日好悶丫(Boring Day)


Super boring today, Chunchun and I woke up late again, and well, we didn’t have anything to do actually. After lunch, I planned to take Chunchun to the playground for a while, since he had been staying home all day yesterday. However, he was just so naughty in great Grandma’s home, he knock over great Grandpa’s medicine all over the floor after lunch, while great Grandpa was having his medicine. Oh, well, no playground today, maybe later after he nap if he being a good boy again.
So after he fall in sleep, I went to Prince Edward alone, hum, really wanted to buy some new clothes for myself, but just didn’t find anything nice yet. Back home around 6pm, and when I went to wake up Chunchun…he said “Mama, leave the bed please, you bothered me sleeping!” Finally he woke up around 7pm, it’s too late for playground.