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本來今日打算3點前返到香港,再約Joyce 4點左右飲下午茶同比駿駿同晴晴玩一陣就各自返屋企食晚飯架.點知婆婆中午時打比我,話姑婆佢地帶左駿駿出街同太麻飲茶,去冒險樂園玩喎.咁我諗過,如果駿駿玩緊要接佢去第二部又好辛苦,又唔知姑婆佢地帶駿駿去邊度玩,我要接左駿駿先再會合Joyce就好似好趕咁…所以我就即時出門口,趕搭1點班船返香港啦.

Planned to back to Hong Kong before 3pm and meet Joyce around 4pm, have tea with her and then let Chunchun play with Chingching for a while. However, Grandma called me around noontime, and said that my auntie took Chunchun to have lunch and play with great Grandmother. So that I went to pier immediately and got on the 1pm ferry back to Hong Kong. It will be quite trouble for me to pick up Chunchun outside and then go to meet Joyce somewhere else.
Arrived to Hong Kong around 2pm, and I was so regret that I back to Hong Kong so early, because Joyce said that she couldn’t come out because of the rain; and I just went to my auntie’s home for awhile and then back home with Chunchun. Sigh, if I knew that Joyce will not come out today, I will not back to Hong Kong so early>_< I wanted to stay with Papa longer…
Hum, arrived to my auntie’s home around 3pm something, and they just back home from Jumpin Gym U.S.A with Chunchun. Chunchun told me that he won a dolly bread from doll’s machine^^ Stayed in my auntie’s home for around 2 hours, and then I asked Chunchun to take nap there because we planned to have dinner with my auntie; however, Chunchun kept crying and yelling that he didn’t want to sleep=_=; But we all see that Chunchun was super sleepy at that moment… and finally he suddenly pee on the floor>_< Oh, well, Chunchun and I have to back home immediately because he wet his pants…