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第六堂學游水(Sixth Swimming Class)


Sixth swimming class today, Chunchun was doing a great job yesterday while we swimming with my auntie, but today… when I peek on his swimming class he wasn’t doing good… just soso… and I heard that his coach blame on him.
Went to McDonald’s to have lunch after swimming class, and then we walk home again…haha, I planned to walk home after swimming class, no more taxi or van; because it wasn’t really far away, we only need to walk less than half hour, and Chunchun seem to be ok for walking too. And today, I took Chunchun to a old fashion salon… only spent $25 for him to do the hair cut, nice!
My auntie called me this afternoon, and asked me to take Chunchun to visit Grandpa this evening. Hum, I didn’t want to visit him actually, he was trippy and he speak incoherently=_=; couldn’t communicate with him at all. But my auntie kept telling me that he was turning better and he miss Chunchun…. So I took Chunchun there with my auntie this evening.
Arrived to hospital around 5.30pm and since Chunchun was to young to go in the ward, Chunchun and I stay in the lobby and let my auntie and uncle to lead Grandpa out. Too bad, when Chunchun and I met Grandpa, he still trippy and speak incoherently… I could see that Chunchun was scared by his Grandpa>_< Chunchun was so quiet suddenly and I notice that tear were all around his eyes. I told Grandpa we won’t visit him again, unless he really get better…
Dinner with my auntie and uncle, and after dinner my auntie suggested to go to Jumpin Gym U.S.A. with Chunchun for a while. So we went there, and let Chunchun to play $30 tonight.

