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爸爸黎香港丫(Papa come to Hong Kong)


Papa came to Hong Kong this afternoon, he planned to stay until Saturday and then we all back to Macua together to have lunch with Grandpa on Sunday. Papa and I went out to shopping around and have lunch together. Haha, leaving Chunchun alone at great Grandma’s home. Poor Chunchun, when Papa and I back home, great Grandma told me that Chunchun said “Papa, Mama didn’t take me out, I have nowhere to go today” haha, he wanted to go out with us. Chunchun was being a good boy today, so Papa promised him to go swimming tomorrow and go to Jumpin Gym U.S.A too^^
Hum, Papa and I only go to Mong Kok to have lunch this afternoon, we didn’t shop much actually. Didn’t know why we didn’t have the mood to shop today, we just keep walking and walking=_=;