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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

今日駿駿話要食三文治丫,所以我地就係地下果間餐廳度食啦,爸爸一食完就走左去睇鞋,等我同駿駿坐係度等駿駿食完呢.之後去完,又係得我同爸爸2個玩,因為爸爸要買牛仔褲丫..好彩就走果時,我都走左入Sanrio買左2個Hello Kitty 2008年既月曆…哈..哈..死都買番d野.大約2點就車爸爸返工啦,之後我同駿駿當然係返屋企大覺瞓啦.

Papa said he was free until 2pm today, so we went to New Yaohan for lunch and shop around^^ We arrived to New Yaohan around noontime, and then we have lunch immediately because we were in hurry actually, Papa wanted to buy shoes and jeans, Chunchun wanted to play…I wanted to look around too, but we didn’t have much time~_~ Finally Papa went to look for his shoes while he finished his lunch, and let me wait for Chunchun. After lunch, Chunchun and I went to the amusement arcade to play while Papa went to look for jeans. Haha, I bought 2008 Hello Kitty calendar in Sanrio because we leave. Drove Papa to work around 2pm and then Chunchun and I back home to nap together.
Grandma arrived home around 7.30pm and then we all have dinner together, hum, Grandma took some clothes for us today…haha those were I left in Hong Kong, because my suitcase was full, after our clothes, I guess Grandma will take Chunchun’s toys to Macau next week, maybe his candle hand too.