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Went to Grand Waldo Spa this morning around 10am, it’s a little bit early to go there, massage pool and swimming pool wasn’t open yet, but we would have breakfast and playing in the kid’s fun area and outdoor playground with Chunchun first. 188 for 12 hours, we just didn’t want to leave so late, because Chunchun have to go to school tomorrow^^ So happy they were having promotion again, 2 adults free 1 kid, so Chunchun was free^^
Arrived to Grand Waldo Spa around 10.30am something, have breakfast on the 1st floor and then went to the 5th floor to play in outdoor playground. Wonder why no scooter and bicycle today? Anyways Chunchun was happy driving the Mini car and play slide there. After playing in the outdoor playground, Chunchun went in the kid’s fun area to play until noontime. Wasn’t much kids go to Spa today, Chunchun and other little boy playing together and it’s very safe because no other kids around^^
Lunch around noontime, rest in the entertainment and dining area for a while and then went to massage pool. Resting in the entertainment and dining area again until 3pm something, then we went to the swimming pool.
It’s our first time to go to swimming pool that, it’s only a kid’s pool water only around 0.9m, but it’s really nice pool, when staff saw Chunchun, he gave 2 floated banana to Chunchun… Haha, Chunchun was so happy and didn’t willing to leave, we stayed in the swimming pool almost an hour, luckily the rain make Chunchun back to indoor around 4pm^O^
Back to entertainment and dining area again, great Grandpa went to the Thai massage immediately, and Grandma and great Grandma do the head massage there, while Chunchun and I napping there. After Grandpa came back from Thai massage, Grandma and I took Chunchun to the 5th floor again^^ Saw someone won a mascot from the game, so we went to the 5th floor again after dinner to play the game. Haha, lucky us, we won a Beibei tonight^^ Went to massage pool one more time before we leave, and we back home before 10pm


