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麻煩公公(Grandpa is Trouble Maker)


Having a Chinese and Common Sense test today, wonder how Chunchun doing… but Grandma and I didn’t have much time to worry about Chunchun this time; because Grandpa was being a trouble maker recently~_~
Grandma usually come to Macau on Tuesday night and then back to Hong Kong on Thursday morning… however, Grandma have to back to Hong Kong tonight suddenly, because my brother called=_= Grandpa was making trouble again.
Chunchun and I drove Grandma to the pier around 9pm, and then back home to prepare to sleep. Sigh, pier was so crowded tonight, Grandma called that she couldn’t buy ticket before 10.30pm=.= finally she have to buy the first class ticket to back to Hong Kong earlier around 9.45pm.