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同太麻去玩(Playing with great Grandmother)


My auntie asked me to have lunch this morning, she said that she have something wanted to discuss with us about Grandpa. Chunchun and I went to Grandma’s home in the morning around 11am, let Chunchun playing with Grandpa for a while, and then we take MTR together. Grandpa have to go somewhere with my older uncle, and Grandma, Chunchun and I have to go lunch with my auntie and great Grandma. Before we said goodbye to Grandpa, he promised Chunchun to have dinner with us tonight.
Sigh, if I knew that great Grandma’s coming too, I won’t agree to have lunch together>_< Because we have to stay with great Grandma for whole day… didn’t have time to shop around… sigh, I wanted to buy some new clothes and shoes.
Having lunch in a Chinese restaurant with great Grandma and auntie… my older uncle called to join out lunch around 2pm; and told us that Grandpa back home himself cause he was tired=_=; It’s not a good new that he back home himself, because that mean that he may have time to drink again…
At night, we went to a Chinese restaurant with great Grandma, and my older uncle and auntie went to pick up Grandpa to the restaurant. Sigh, we were right, Grandpa’s drink again, he didn’t willing and he’s not able to go to Chinese restaurant tonight, may be he didn’t remember his promise either. Chunchun was quite disappointing that Grandpa no show, and we all didn’t happy about Grandpa drink again. We finished dinner quick, and then Grandma asked me to take care Chunchun myself tonight, she and my auntie and uncle have to take care Grandpa tonight.
Knew that Grandma didn’t let Grandpa back home again, and Grandpa didn’t willing to go to hospital… and when I called Grandma, I could hear that Grandpa was having quarreled with my auntie and uncle. Quite worry about Grandpa so went to Grandma’s home to take a look… Stupid me, I didn’t go there, and that made me couldn’t sleep all night=_=
My uncle asked me to try to talk to Grandpa, make he willing to go to hospital… So I started to talk with him around 9pm something, and then around 10.30pm, I started to felt tired, suggested to go to have a drink with Grandpa… Good step that at least Grandpa wanted to leave the building, afterward, we talked somewhere near taxi station… trying to make him take taxi to hospital with me. But it’s not work, he stared to blame on my auntie.
Finally my so call sister comes to us around midnight, and then Grandpa willing to go to hospital with us. It’s no bad that he willing to go to the doctor, but he didn’t willing to stay in hospital~_~ We all stay with him until 4am something… kept trying to convince him to get in the hospital for a few days…

