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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


Planned to back to Macau by 5pm ferry today, we should have penny of time to have lunch or shopping around this afternoon at first. However, because of trouble Grandpa, Chunchun and I have to have lunch with him and my aunties.
Hum, actually Chunchun didn’t mind that because he love to play with them, and they said that they will take Chunchun to playground… so he’s happy anyways; but me, I wanted to go shopping~_~ Sigh~
Have lunch with Grandpa and my aunties around 11am something, and then we went to the playground around 1pm. We were all happy that Grandpa didn’t drink for 2 days already, hope he would keep his promise not drink anymore. After playing in the playground, Grandpa took Chunchun back home to rest for a while… and me… my aunties asked me to play Mahjong together, so I played around an hour with them.
Prepare to go to ferry terminal around 3.45pm and arrived there before 4.30pm. Lucky us, we would got on the 4.30pm ferry, and Chunchun fall in sleep soon after we boarded. I thought that we should be at home a little bit earlier today, however, ferry arrived to Macau around 4.45pm, and no taxi in the taxi station…we have to walk home this evening…and reach home after 6pm=_=
