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迪士尼電影同故事書(Disney Movie & Story Book)


Found an order form in Chunchun school bag today, it’s something that worth to order, because it’s having a great discount. Winnie The Pooh bedtime story set is only 120, and it original price is 480; and then the Disney Classical DVD set is only 120, and it original price is 1040… It’s very attractive, isn’t it? So I post it online immediately to see who wanted to order with me^^ So happy that most of my friends wanted to order it with me… by the end, it’s over 10 peoples wanted to order with me.. haha… it will be very trouble to collect money I guest, but all the Macau mama member were just super nice^^ Some of them gave me the money tonight immediately after work, and some of them said they will give me the money tomorrow morning or afternoon^^