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爸爸睇醫生(Papa go to eye doctor)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa again. Since Papa went to the eye doctor last week, he have to keep going to the eye doctor to do a treatment for his eyes the following Wednesday.
I been telling Papa that I didn’t want to drive today, because I still not feeling alright, and it’s close to the racing game, road and car park were blocked; didn’t want to park my car far away from pier… but then when we leave him, Papa yelled=_=; being emotional. Sigh, he told me to back home, he could go to the doctor himself…
To be honest, I was super tired, I really want to back home to sleep; but I knew that Papa didn’t really mean it, so I have to follow him; even he got on the taxi and leave me in the street~_~ Took and another taxi to the pier, before I reach the pier… Papa called me; I didn’t answer it, because I almost there… and I saw him was waiting for me. Sigh, then why leave me on the street, wasting my money to take taxi alone>_<
Back home around 9pm something tonight, Chunchun was so happy today. He told me that he saw people fixing automobile race on the racetrack while they took bus back home.