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爸爸病丫(Papa got sick)


Grandma came to Macau yesterday, at first I planned to do a lot of thing with her, go to supermarket, go to Papa’s office to bring some stationary back home (because we will closed our company soon), and prepare hot pot for dinner. However, Papa came back home after he go to work around 1 hour and said he didn’t feel well today.
Hum, Papa got sick, he had a little bit fever, and he always said his stomach wasn’t feeling well. Finally, I didn’t go anything with Grandma today, because I have to look after Papa all day.
Hum, whenever Papa got sick he will being super trouble… when Chunchun or I got sick, we could just rest and rest and rest… surely I will spend more time on looking after Chunchun when he sick; but me… usually I still have to take care Chunchun and Papa while I was sick. So why Papa being so trouble when he’s sick? Kept telling me “I am sick, I didn’t feel well” Oh, god… am I feel great when I’m sick? Everyone feel the same when having fever or sick. And Papa didn’t like to sleep by himself, always asked me to sleep with him or sit near him=_=; just like a baby…
Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and poor Chunchun have to do homework and study in the living room, because Papa was sick, Papa didn’t allow Chunchun to enter our room>_<