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婆婆黎啦(Grandma Come To Macau)


Didn't have much to do today, because Papa was drunk yesterday night=_= He stay in bed all day today...
Chunchun and I went to New Yaohan around 6pm something, we queued up to park my car in New Yaohan car park and then we went for Grandma arrive in amusement arcade. After Grandma arrived we first went to shopping around, and then have dinner in food court. Haha, I bought 4 sets of underwear today; because I heard something about how to wear underwear in Lunar New Year on net. If I wear Red underwear on the first day of New Year, my husband will have good luck this year; if I wear Yellow or Gold underwear on the second day of New Year, I will have good luck this year; if I wear Purple underwear on the third day of New Year, my kid will have good luck this year. Haha, didn't know is that ture or not, but I do bought that 3 colors underwear, and planned to follow it legendary traditions^^