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同婆婆行街(Shopping with Grandma)

我一直都想買多條牛仔褲,因為我成日著黎著去都係果2,3條…有D以前勉強買左,著過覺得鬆又冇著.都係因為我太瘦啦,22腰都有D鬆… 上次返香港搵左好耐都唔記得Uniqlo依間商店,今次返香港時我記得佢啦,下午食完飯就同婆婆去又一城行街去Uniqlo度睇牛仔褲.正~果度個個褲款都有22腰^o^我買左2條牛仔褲丫,下次知度係邊買牛仔褲囉,唔駛再周街搵真係好啦.唔單止我開心丫,今日婆婆係又一城搵到佢最愛既台灣歌手既CD,佢既CD..連我地去台灣玩都唔係好搵到呢.

Last day of holiday for Grandma today, we decided to go shopping without Chunchun this afternoon XD Chunchun stay home all day with great Grandparents and they said Chunchun was being a very good boy.
I been looking for a jeans for a long time, but didn’t found any jeans that fit me, because my waist is too slim =.= Suddenly remember that I found a jeans from Uniqlo last year, and they have waist that around 22inch. Went to Festival Walk to Uniqlo after lunch. Happy me, I finally bought 2 jeans there, next time I knew where I should go to look for new jeans ^O^ Grandma found her favorite singer’s CD in Festival Walk too.
After shopping in Festival Walk we went to Mong Kok to shop around again. Hum, I bought a sweater for myself; trousers and jacket for Chunchun; gift for Stephenie’s birthday and that’s it. Not bad today^O^