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媽媽同爸爸去香港購物丫(Mama & Papa go Shopping)


Papa seems to be feeling a lot better today, so we follow our plan – go to Hong Kong this afternoon. Papa have to work in the morning, and I have to took Chunchun to school and do housework with Grandma in the morning. We went to pier after lunch around 1.30pm something and got on the 2pm ferry to Hong Kong.
We went to Tiu Keng Leng to buy Papa favorite Transformers, and have tea there. And then we went to Mong Kok to shop around on 5pm something. Back to Great Grandma’s home around 7pm something, and then we have dinner in a Noodles store near the Dentist. Papa went to the Dentist alone on 8pm and I back to great Grandma’s home to wait for him.
We back to Macau around 10pm something, Chunchun been waiting for us since he off school. Happy Chunchun ate a doughnut instead of his night milk and then went to bed around 11pm=.= Grandma said Chunchun was very happy today, because they took bus back home and they bought a lot of snack after school~_~