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成績表(Exam Report)

今日早上10點半左右我就帶駿駿返幼稚園拎成績表囉.唉,我一直都好擔心佢今個學期既成績呢,因為係第二個測驗周時,佢唔舒服,果個星期勁嘔...成績當然唔多好啦..常識得C咋=.=好彩,最後佢既成績都唔係太差喎..上學期既成績係中文-A;英文-A;識數-A; 常識-B;唱遊-B;美術-B;體育-B;故事-B同操行-B.全部都係A,B,唔係真係太差既,都可以接受啦.

Went to kindergarten with Chunchun this morning around 10.30am to receive Chunchun’s Exam Report. Sigh, I was so worry about Chunchun's result, because he was sick during the second test week=.= His Social Studies was terrible in second test week. Luckily, his result wasn't that bad... Chinese – A; English – A; Mathematical Concept – A; Social Studies – B; Singing – B; Art & Craft – B; Physical Education – B; Stories – B and Conduct – B.
His report was acceptable, all A or B; but still hoping that Chunchun can do better in the second school term.
Went to McDonald's to buy take away, and then back home to have lunch with Papa. Poor Papa still having Chicken Pox all over his body, he couldn't go out until his Chicken Pox all gone. Papa and Chunchun nap together around 12.30pm and then I woke up Chunchun around 2pm to go to English Class.
Learning places in the city again, they first review what they learn last week and then started to learn new places - Supermarket and Park.