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新玩具(New Toys)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa around noontime. Papa need to go to Dentist tonight, so we have chance to go to Hong Kong shopping again ^O^
We have lunch in a Chinese Restaurant this afternoon, hum, it’s a very nice restaurant there, hope that I could take Chunchun there next time, if I have time. After lunch, we went to Mong Kok to walk again until 7pm. Hum, I didn’t buy anything today>_< didn’t found any nice clothes or new comic today…. But Papa did bought a lot of Transformers… and surely he bought some for Chunchun too.
Back home around 10pm, Chunchun been waiting for us ^O^ I love the feeling that when we opened the door, Chunchun run to us and give us a hug.