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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

因為今朝成10點先食早餐,所以我地今日既行程同平時唔同,去玩,去睇完現具先上美食廣場度食野.食完又再去超市行下街咁.哈,我發現有我鍾意食,甜到漏既朱古力復活蛋賣喎(見到d蛋先諗起就黎復活節呢).雖然話見到我最鍾意食既朱古力蛋丫,但係真係好貴囉…行左幾個圈都唔見有普通裝既Crème Eggs,只有勁唔抵買既禮盒裝…2隻迷你Crème Eggs加一隻普通朱古力就要50幾蚊喎,真係搶錢…不過因為好難搵我又好鍾意食,貴d我都買左一盒=.=不過我都搵左婆婆叫佢係香港見到就幫我買呢…希望買到平d架啦

Went to New Yaohan with Chunchun this morning to have lunch, shopping and play in the amusement arcade. Hum, actually it’s quite boring shopping in New Yaohan, we go there just because I need to wash my car.
Since we have breakfast around 10am this morning, we first went to toys section to walk around and then go to amusement arcade to play for a while before we go to have lunch at food court. Walk around in supermarket afterward, haha, I found my favorite Chocolate eggs – Crème Egg there, but it’s quite expensive>_< Gift package, 2 mini Crème Egg with a big Chocolate eggs cost $50 something, but it’s really hard to find in Macau, so I bought one and asked Grandma to seek it for me in Hong Kong, hope that she can find some for me.