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7叔出世(New Born Uncle)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to have breakfast together. We didn’t have much to do today, just planning should we go to shopping area for a walk this afternoon, but then Papa told me that we have to go to Hong Kong this around noontime, cause his little brother was born yesterday night ~_~ Wonder will Chunchun be surprise that we were not home when he back from school=.= We always told him if we have to away…
Papa and I arrived to hospital before 2pm and visit his new born brother and baby’s Mama. Stayed for around half hour then went to have lunch and walk around before we back to Macau. We didn’t shopping actually, we didn’t have time, because we have to back to Macau before 6pm… we just have lunch there and bought a few comics to back to Macau.
Back to Macau around 5pm something, and then have to hurry to Papa’s office… and then back home around 6pm something. Papa was so surprise that we didn’t buy any gift to him today, but then I told him that we were not went to shopping in Hong Kong, we just went to visit his new born uncle and show him some photo of his new born uncle.
By the way, Chunchun still doing homework when we arrived home=.= Sigh, wonder when he will back to normal, not that naughty again.