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Chunchun woke up with crying this morning; he said he got a headache… I was so worry is he sick, because flu was quite serious in Hong Kong=.= But then I found that Chunchun was not having headache, he got wry-neck ~_~ he couldn’t move his head to the left… haha, I told him that is because of his sitting posture was not good and always climb to my bed in the midnight… Hope that can scare him to sit well and not climb to my bed anymore=.=
At first I planned to let him to take sick leave for English course, but he want to attend it. And well, he was well when he play in learning centre -.- They started to learn new topic today, it’s about animals and how to describe animals. Since I went to supermarket during class, I didn’t how’s Chunchun doing today; but sure they all do bad today~_~ No high mark in the whiteboard, and heard their teacher kept telling them to be quiet…