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行左成日街(Shopping All Day)

12點去到德福,以為姑婆佢地一定等左好耐啦…點知未到XD好彩姐,唔知佢地搞乜呢…重遲過我地先到.見姑婆佢地未到,我同駿駿就周圍行下影下Hello Kitty先啦.我地係為左佢個Hello Kitty場景先會黎德福行街架呢.姑婆佢地黎到之後,我地影多一陣相…就去KFC食野啦^^駿駿想去KFC好耐架啦,不過澳門得一間KFC我又懶得帶佢去,所以只有係香港時先有機會食呢.食完飯,又係冒險樂園啦,唔止婆婆同駿駿,連姑婆都岩玩呢^O^去得冒險樂園我當然又去睇下有冇Thomas波鞋啦,可惜係冇架,得對巴斯光年波鞋,不過我同駿駿都唔係咁鍾意.唯有繼續搵Thomas波鞋.

Happy Chunchun watched new Transformers cartoon in the morning around 10.30am. Sigh at first I thought that it’s only a half hour cartoon, so I planned to leave around 11am, and meet my auntie and cousin to have lunch around 11.30am. However, Transformers cartoon was on over an hour=.= I didn’t know when it finish because Chunchun and I have to go out on 11.30am… sigh, I been called my auntie that we will be late for half hour already, I don’t want to keep them wait too long.
Arrived to Tel Ford Plaza around noontime, ha, my aunt and cousin were late… wondering what they doing? We first walking around in Tel Ford Plaza taking photo with Hello Kitty and Friends and then we went to have lunch at KFC… Chunchun like KFC a lot, but I rare go there with him, because only have one KFC in Macau~_~ After lunch, we went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A with Chunchun for a while. Sigh, couldn’t find the Thomas sports shoes in Tel Ford Jumpin Gym this afternoon>_< They only have Buzz Lightyear sports shoes, but Chunchun and I didn’t like it…
Went to Dragon Centre around 3pm something with my auntie, my Cousin back home to rest since she have a date later today. Happy Chunchun found a inflated playground there, and surely we will let him go inside to play it. After that we went to the shop that Papa asked us to go to buy Transformers for him… And we went to Jumpin Gym again, but this time I only let Chunchun play one game there, because we will go to Jumpin Gym again tonight, this time I only want to look for Thomas sports shoes. Too bad they didn’t have any sports shoes there>_< Stayed in Dragon Centre until 5pm something, and then we say good bye to my auntie… we have to go to Mong Kok to have dinner with Grandma tonight^O^ Because great Grandparents went travel in China this early morning.
Hum, we went to 2 different Jumpin Gym in Mong Kok, but still couldn’t found the Thomas sports shoes>_< We have dinner in a restaurant that chose by Chunchun, because he like the design of the restaurant, however, foods there were… sigh, I won’t go there again=.=


