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得婆婆同駿駿係澳門(Alone with Grandma)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then I back home to prepare go to Hong Kong with Papa before noontime, while Grandma went to food market to buy food.
Papa and I go to Hong Kong around noontime, I have to go to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong to do a cervical smear examination and need to buy contraceptive drugs there… and Papa need to go to Dentist again. Papa have to go working for his father while I went to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, and then we met in Mong Kok around 5pm to shopping around for a while before Papa go to Dentist.
Happy Papa bought a lot of Transformers again=.= I bought a leg lace it’s just because my old one was broken… nothing much to buy today>_< We didn’t have time.
Back home around 10pm something, Chunchun been waiting for us for a long time^O^ He told me that he took bus back home with Grandma, he ate a lot of snack today… haha, he was happy.