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同媽咪會既朋友飲茶(Lunch with Macau Mama)

今好開心丫,因為又係同澳門媽咪會既朋友飲茶既日子呢…我地近月都試住每個星期約埋一齊飲一次茶…因為大家都係全職媽咪…多個機會同朋友傾計嘛^o^ 我地約左中午12點半左右…飲到3點鬆d先離開酒樓呢…哈,哈,傾左2個幾鐘真係唔多覺.飲完茶我就自己一個行左去新馬路啦…因為駿駿放4點呢..我都重有成大半個鐘先夠鐘接放學.或者下次要提意下星期五飲茶,咁我唔駛成日重有一個鐘唔知做乜好..可以飲完茶就直接去接駿駿啦.

Happy day today, went to have lunch with Macau Mama again… we are trying to have lunch together every week ^O^ Went to have lunch with Macau Mama around noontime, and then we leave Chinese restaurant around 3pm…haha, we been gossiping for almost 3 hours. After lunch, I went to the shopping area to walk for a while because Chunchun off school on 4pm today. Hum, maybe next time I should asks them to have lunch on Friday, so that I can go to pick up Chunchun after lunch immediately.
Bought some from Daiso and then walk to car park to pick up my car around 3.45pm. I was a little bit late today, because I get lost in car pick…. Happy Chunchun holding his artwork staying alone waiting for me.