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婆婆寵懷駿駿(Spoiled by Grandma)


Didn’t need to go to foods market this morning, since I tried to buy more foods on Monday. Grandma and I just need to take Chunchun to school and then back home to have breakfast this morning.
Nothing much to do today, so we went to foods market before we go to pick up Chunchun, haha, Grandma decided to buy some more foods so that I didn’t have to go to food market on Friday and we bought a durian today^^ Haha, Papa and Chunchun didn’t eat durian, so I won’t buy it myself>_<
Let Grandma to do homework with Chunchun this afternoon, sigh, Chunchun being quite naughty today… I heard Grandma blamed Chunchun a few time since Chunchun didn’t concentrated on his homework. Sigh, I was quite tired about it… Grandma spoiled Chunchun too much. Usually if he didn’t do well on homework, I won’t let him watch TV, but Grandma do~_~