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Went to library with Chunchun this morning, before I back home… I asked teacher when will they go out for drawing, and when will back to school. She said that they will go out around 9.30am and back school around 11am something. Sigh, it’s kind of early, I wasn’t sure Papa and I can go to take a peek of Chunchun… so I didn’t ask where they go and I trust what Chunchun said “go to Macau Tower”
Back home around 9am, and Papa said he have time this morning, we could go to Macau Tower around 10.30am take a peek of Chunchun and then go to Toys ‘r’ us for a while. Good idea, so we went to Macau Tower around 10.30am, but sigh… Chunchun wasn’t there>_< I guess they didn’t go to Macau Tower practical, they just go to somewhere can see Macau Tower clearly. Anyway, Papa wanted to go to Toys ‘r’ us.
When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I asked Chunchun where they go today, I couldn’t find him in Macau Tower. He was silent for a few seconds… and then he told me that they went to a park that can see Macau Tower clearly, but he didn’t sure where is it…