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建築師巴布(Bob the Builder)


Labor Day today, since we forgot to go to an education book fair… we decided to go this morning around 11am; and then go to have lunch at KFC.
Hum, we leave home around 10.30am, and then arrived to shopping area around 11am. Walk to the book fair immediately, however we still couldn’t buy the Bob the builder book set>_< The staff said we were too late, it’s sold out already… sigh~ the book fair is starts from 10am… it’s only opened 1 hour… We went to KFC to have lunch afterward and then shopping around with Papa for a while before Papa go to work around 1pm something. After Papa go to work, we walk to the book fair again to ask around the Bob the builder book set… finally they told me that only the first 2 days of book fair have the promotion, and after the promotion, people need to buy over $1000 to special order the Bob the builder book set>_< Chunchun was quite disappointed about it, but we really didn’t have much to buy there, it’s hard to reach $1000 to special order the book set =.= Luckily Gina called me an hour later and told me that can order the book set for me since we bought something that could special order the Bob the builder book set, thank a lot^O^
