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媽媽生日(Mama's Birthday)


Took Chunchun to school this morning, and then I went to shopping area around 11am something, have to go to bank and have lunch with Macau Mama’s friends there. So surprise that they bought a birthday cake for me and Fifi (her birthday is May 27), thank you so much about it^O^ Walk around in shopping area alone and went to buy birthday cake after lunch.
Picked up Chunchun around 4pm, hum, I been telling Chunchun that being a good boy today, finish his homework quick and study well… because we may go out to have dinner tonight. However, when we back home to do homework… Chunchun just being uncooperative =.= Spent almost an hour to finish his homework, he made himself miss his favorite cartoon; then he started to be in a temper ~_~
So bad it’s starts heavy raining around 6pm, we couldn’t go out for dinner tonight>_< Papa decided to order pizza and may celebrate my birthday later someday… Chunchun was fine during dinner time, but then went we have my birthday cake… he refused to say happy birthday and sing birthday sing for me. Finally Papa punished him couldn’t have birthday cake tonight (mostly because he’s coughing actually). Sigh, Chunchun being in temper all night afterward>_<