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開始準備溫習考試(Prepare Study for Exam)

下午同爸爸一齊去八佰伴行街街食午飯,哈,其實我地今日係去買父親節禮物比老爺…重要買bb禮物等小叔仔擺百日宴時送比佢呢.唔,我地都有行下睇下其他野既..爸爸就買左變形金剛囉(唉~又買,中毒越黎越深呢) 而我就買左d新毛巾..同抽左幾次Hello Kitty用品咁囉^^

Took Chunchun to library this morning, hum, library will close on the beginning of June. Chunchun will going to miss this library a lot, because he been asking me why he can’t borrow story book and kept asking me will we stop going to library…
Went to New Yaohan to have lunch and shopping with Papa this afternoon, haha. We went there to buy Father’s Day gift for my father in law and buy gift to baby uncle for his feast celebrating 100 days. Hum, and we do walking around to look for our stuff, Papa bought a Transformers – animated (sigh~ toys again) and I bought a few new towel for whole family… and some Hello Kitty product^^
Doing homework and study with Chunchun after school, sigh~ it’s time to prepare for exam again. Chunchun was doing not bad when he doing his homework, but he wasn’t cooperate when study… sigh~