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中文考試(Exam: Chinese)


Chinese Exam today, hum, Chunchun was study well yesterday… and his Chinese used to be not bad, the only thing I was worry about is his writing=.= He could get full mark most of the test, but he always lost mark on his writing… sigh~
Back home before 1pm, let Chunchun resting while Papa and I having lunch and then study English with Chunchun before nap. Chunchun went to bed around 2.30pm and fall in sleep before 3pm and me too. Woke up around 4pm something and then let him watch a cartoon before we study again.
Played Monopoly with Papa before dinner and after dinner, we stopped for dinner. And then after playing Monopoly we study one more time then Chunchun take his shower and go to bed. Hum, not bad… Chunchun was being a goodboy since he want Papa and Mama to play Monopoly with him^^