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半夜出發去韓國囉(Go To Korea at midnight)


Chunchun seem to be feeling a lot better this morning, at least he didn’t have fever since last night. Chunchun and I went to ferry terminal around noontime and got on the 12.30pm ferry… then he started to have a little bit ferry around 37.8℃ when we go through the customs~_~ Sigh, we have to leave our contact to the customs in case Chunchun have any serious sickness.
Have lunch with Chunchun in a restaurant near China ferry terminal and then shopping around in Ocean Centre before we back to great Grandma’s home. Before we back to great Grandma’s home, I took Chunchun to the clinic nearby first… I really worry about Chunchun’s fever, at least I don’t want him to be really sick during our Korea trip. Napping with Chunchun once we back to great Grandma’s home because we have to go to Hong Kong Airport tonight and arrive to Korea around 4am next morning.